When Dreams Turn into Nightmares:

Navigate Out.

Jake Huang
3 min readFeb 10, 2022

For those who are already using all your strength to survive, stop reading. You’re not lazy, you’re doing fine, you just need to recharge.

It’s totally fine to take a step back to take two steps forward. Remember that life’s a marathon.

But to those with the strength and resources, stop running away from your responsibility. Stop wasting resources on that pity party. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

Life is never easy, never fair, don’t fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like a victim. The gap between the rich and poor is only going to get wider. Decide which side you want to be on and turn that dream into reality. If you don’t take action, you’ll be scared, anxious, angry, sad or disgusted daily. Don’t ruin amazing moments because you’re feeling down. Don’t live in a nightmare.

Ask yourself.
What do I need to stop doing?
What do I need to start doing?

“What is one thing that I am doing wrong, that I know I am doing wrong.
That I could fix.
That I would fix.
Meditate on this everyday and you’ll get the answer that you need. It won’t be an answer that you want, but it will be the necessary one.” — Jordan Peterson

Once you find that balance with your heart and head, feelings and thoughts, you’ll be unstoppable.

“A Problem Well Stated is Half Solved.” — Charles Kettering

Image Source: Danmartell

As Humans, we are born with feelings. With needs. With desires.
When these desires, these dreams, are not attained within a time frame, we become absolutely miserable.

In Maslow’s theory, he suggests that if a lower need is not met, the higher ones will be ignored and that it is a rare and difficult psychological achievement to know what we want.

Chances are, most people instinctively know how to achieve their Physiological and Safety needs, but struggle to achieve Love/Belonging and Esteem needs. That’s because another person would be involved and you can’t control them. You desire attention from someone, you seek validation from someone.

Stop watering dead plants. Realize that you are not the main character in anybody’s story but your own.

Time is a scarce resource. It’s a key ingredient for success and not everything/ everyone deserves your time.

Accept the fact that you can’t make everyone happy, you can’t make everyone like the same things as you and that people come and go.

Stop giving away your time freely. People, even your loved ones do what is comfortable for them but not what is right for you.

“Bee’s don’t waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit” However, if you read The Lessons of a Bird, it is possible to be warm and happy in a pile of shit!

The point is, you can disagree but still respect each other instead of seeking approval.

Seeking validation and dealing with insecurities hinders your growth, it’s a huge waste of time. Only infants, the elderly, the sick and women deserves attention and care. If you are a grown man seeking validation, you lack self-respect. Real men are sure of themselves and don’t need the opinion of others. They know their worth.

“Yesterday is a history tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. “— Kung Fu Panda.

Sometimes, we’d rather be heartbroken because we don’t want to forget the good times.

Thinking of the past is dangerously addictive, especially, if you are unhappy. It leads to a vicious cycle of denial because the past is where you find something familiar, comfortable and warm.

However, no matter how much pain you are going through, understand that life does not stop for anybody. Life has to go on. Process that or you’ll be stuck in that time period where you are hurt. Forever.

Put your past behind you. Understand that bad things happened and you can’t change it anymore.

Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.
Don’t suppress it.
Don’t repress it.
Confess and express it.

Start moving. Start growing. Start learning.

Turn your dreams into reality.



Jake Huang

Hey! Welcome to my digital notebook where I record random but important contents for myself to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Say hi at — Jakehjx@outlook.sg